An age calculator is a tool that can measure the age or the time difference between two dates. The result can be shown in various units, such as years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
You can use an age calculator to discover how old you or someone else are, or how much time has passed or will pass before or after a certain event.
Enter the date that you want to calculate
How to Calculate Your Age in Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds?
Have you ever wondered how old you are exactly? Not just in years, but in months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds? Do you want to know how much time has passed or will pass between two dates? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need an age calculator.
An age calculator is a tool that can determine the age or interval between two dates. The calculated age can be displayed in different units, such as years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
You can use an age calculator to find out how old you are, how old someone else is, or how long ago or until a certain event happened.
There are many online age calculators that you can use for free, but not all of them are accurate, fast, and easy to use. Some of them may have errors, limitations, or ads that can ruin your experience. That’s why we recommend you to use our age calculator at is a website that offers free and helpful tools for various conversion calculations. You can use our tools to convert between different units, formats, and systems, such as metric, imperial, binary, decimal, and more. One of our most popular tools is the age calculator, which can help you calculate your age in seconds.
How to Use Our Age Calculator?
Using our age calculator is very simple and straightforward. All you need to do is follow these steps:
- Go to our website at and click on the age calculator tool.
- Enter your date of birth or any date you want to calculate from in the first input field. You can use the calendar icon to select the date or type it manually in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
- Click on the calculate button and see the result in the output section. You will see your age or the time difference in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. You can also see the percentage of your life span completed based on the average life expectancy of your country.
Example of Age Calculation:
- Birthdate: January 15, 1990
- Current Year: 2023
- Subtract 1990 from 2023: 2023 – 1990 = 33 years.
- Since the birth month (January) has passed, no adjustment is needed for the month.
- If the current day is before January 15, subtract 1 more year.
This straightforward method allows you to easily calculate someone’s age using basic subtraction and adjusting for the birth month and day.
Benefits of Using Our Age Calculator
Our age calculator is not just a fun and interesting tool, but also a useful and practical one. Here are some of the benefits of using our age calculator:
- You can learn more about yourself and your life by knowing your exact age and the percentage of your life span completed.
- You can celebrate your milestones and achievements by knowing how long you have lived or how long you have achieved something.
- You can plan your future and set your goals by knowing how much time you have left or how much time you need to accomplish something.
- You can compare your age or the time difference with others by knowing how old they are or how long they have done something.
- You can have fun and entertain yourself by knowing how old you are in different units or how long ago or until a certain event happened.
Our age calculator is one of the best tools you can find online to calculate your age in seconds. It is accurate, fast, and easy to use. It is also free, without any errors, limitations, or ads. You can use it anytime and anywhere, on any device and browser.
You can also use our other tools to convert between different units, formats, and systems, such as length, mass, volume, temperature, area, time, speed, angle, data, etc.
Try our age calculator today and see how it can make your life easier. You can also share your feedback or suggestions with us by leaving a comment below or contacting us through our website. Thank you for using